Friday, May 31, 2013

How to be Happy and Broke

It seems that today's generation of teens is the most technology dependent and least likely to want to work for something. Studies show that our generation is expected to have the most debt collection over our life time. It's because we a impatient. We want "Mommy" and "Daddy" to pay for what we want because we "want it NOW"! Here's your wake up call that life, yep, it does not work that way. In life if you do not have the money to spend then do not spend. Yet people still do am that becomes debt you can not pay off because you never stop spending your money. So here is how you can do the things you love and be broke! Remember when your parents told you nothing in life was free? They were wrong. Magazines! Who does not love eagerly awaiting a magazine in the mail, because it is better than the blah junk crap that is normally there everyday? Well magazines are pricey, unless you get them for free. Right now I get a magazine about every day that is how many free subscriptions I have. It is not just unheard of bogus magazines that only this tiny sliver of certain people would want no fashion, home, fitness and more magazines. Currently I have a free subscription to W Magazine, Harper's Bazaar, Seventeen Magazine, Teen Vogue Magazine, Afar Travel Magazine, Outside Magazine, Martha Stewert Living Magazine, Forbes Magazine, Shape Magazine, Cosmopolitan Magazine (two subscriptions to this), Latina (no I'm not a latina), Horse Illustrated. Barbie magazine (for my sister), Parenting Magazine (for my mom), The Wallstreet Journal (for my dad),Travel Leisure Magazine, Islands Digital Magazine, HDMV Photography Magazine and the Hollywood Reporter. If you lost count that is 20 free magazine subscriptions. That could cost hundreds of dollars but with a watchful eye and perfect timing it is free. It is really easy to find free magazine subscriptions, the hard part is the patience of filling out the forms over and over which is why I fill out the forms on my mobile device in which I have auto fill turned on so it automatically fills put the forms for me and all I have to do is hit submit. Be patient when filling out your magazine subscription forms because your magazine will not be on your doorstep tomorrow. It takes 4-6 weeks depending on where you live and when that particular magazine is sent out to annual subscribers. Google I have found to be better than Yahoo! with searching for free things but Bing is faster and easier for some people. Careful because Ing does not sort like Google does to get rid of the scammer websites so beware. If any website or form for a free magazine subscription asks for a credit card, PayPal information, or debit card but still says it is free it is most likely a scam and no one wants to take that chance. Here are a few websites I use to get free magazines with ease and they are reliable: also I suggest you get on the e-mail list of Mercury Magazines. Happily Broke, Meg

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